Hey there,
I'm Margi.
Water Lily Beauty Salon is a dream come true for me. As a small business owner, I feel truly blessed for the wonderful clients I get to serve. Beauty and aesthetics have always been a passion of mine. I got certified as an aesthetician in Europe in 1989 and have over 28 years of experience as a skin specialist.
I also have experience in pharmaceutical compounding which helped to further my knowledge in some medications, chemical ingredients and their negative side effects on the mental and physical front.
Furthermore, my mother is an herbalist and through her, I have learned a lot about how to heal ones body and thus, skin through natural means. I see our bodies in a holistic manner where mind and body are intertwined. If one is not well it will affect the overall well being
of the other.
To that extent, my intent behind Water Lily Beauty Salon is to provide a place that offers holistic treatments to suit the unique needs of my clients.
Margarita Angélova
Of Water Lily Beauty Salon